Thursday, June 2, 2011

Heat, Hiking, and Black Bears

I believe this is day 4 of summer project and only the third full day here.  But i already feel like i have been here forever, and i'm losing track of the days.  Everyone I have met so far here is great and i fell like by the end of our time here we will be like family.  I already feel like I've known them  a lot longer than 4 days lol....
I also already feel like God has been teachingme a lot since I got here.  About just rejoicing in the hard seasons and being thankful in everything.  We are beginning to go through phillipians, a letter paul wrote to the church at phillipi.  When paul wrote this letter he was in prison, and the whole book is basically him thanking them for their gift in supporting him, and rejoicing in what God was doing.... in prison! and i think the things i'm going through is hard and I whine.  i believe God has grace for the pain I experience, but I believe he is teaching me to be content with where I am, and to find things to rejoice in while i'm in this season of life.  I also feel this desire to just want him more than other things.  i get distracted easily, and my motives for following God are often to please others and to gain acceptance from them.  So something i am praying about (and would definitely love for you to pray about) is just that God would increase my desire for him.  To let the distractions fade into the background and to serve him out of a love for him and in praise to him.

So now that the most important part of this blog for today is finished (my spiritual growth of course :) ) let me tell you about how its been living here.  First of all, this heat is absolutely ridiculous! Basically my hair has been up in a bun everyday, i have not even glanced in the direction of jeans or anything hotter than a tshirt, and i have been absolutely soaked down with sweat at the end of everyday.  Oh! I did get a job at Blaine's Grill as a server, it is a 25 minute walk there from my condo, and a 25 minute walk back. So I don't think exercise will  be a problem this summer.  Because in case you haven't noticed, Gatlinburg has a gazillion hills.... yay calf muscles!!!! lol So if I am not in better shape by the end of project, there is something seriously wrong with my body, and I will be taking myself to the doctor :)... just kidding of course.  But really.... lots of exercise.

Speaking of exercise, we went on a hike up the mountain yesterday! it was so beautiful.... but before we went we had a picnic at the bottom in this pavilion of the Smoky mountain national park. My car kind of got there a few minutes late after getting lost but it was a great drive. And the food was good too. However, in the middle of dinner we had a little bit of an interruption, by a Black Bear! yeah. he just walked up the campsite, so everyone like  ran to cars and the men tried to shoo him away by being loud and honking horns. but he just came up and basically tried to steal our dinner. he just wouldn't go away! lol so needless to say dinner was not finished. we just tried to throw everything away so it wouldn't stay there. Then we drove up the mountain and went on our hike. Like I said, it was absolutely beautiful, but all up hill. I was definitely gross by the time i got to the top but it was well worth it.  And there was much more time to appreciate the beauty of God's creation on the way back down.

So that is about all that has happened so far while i'm here. But it feels like a lot for 3 1/2 days. Just lots of walking the strip and hanging out together.  We are just beginning but i can't wait to see how the Lord works in all of our lives  this summer.  I am praying for lots of growth and that he would use us and I ask you to do the same!

Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I really don't take advantage of the fact that the National Park is right there waiting! I would have loved to have the opportunity to have lunch and hike a little bit; not to mention see a wild black bear! How exciting! Every time I'm in the area we get a pizza and walk the strip. One day I'd love to just get out there and enjoy what has been there way longer than just the city. Sounds great -- minus the heat!

