Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rain, Work, and Learning to Deal with Persecution

I don't even know where to begin exactly....  I have bee nso busy and getting on here to blog hasn't really been an option. Between work, and project stuff, and hanging out with my cool project peeps, its been really hard to just take a break and rest.  The stress has definitely been getting to me this week though.  I've been like randomly crying for no apparent reason, other than something small happened and caused the stress to overflow with tears.

It really has been a tough week though.... starting on Wednesday.  It felt like everything went wrong.  People at work are really persecuting those of us from project.  They put us down and talk about us "christian kids" who just come in and take over their jobs. And i can understand that, but its not our fault.  The owner is the one allowing us to take the day shifts.  And even just working with each other all day makes us a little snappy with each other.  Definitely a battle to keep our minds and focus on God, and to be a light to those we work with who aren't saved.  So anyway, Wednesday just was terrible in general, I forgot to order a tables food during a rush resulting in no tip (but who could blame them?).  Then a party of 11 came in right at the end resulting in my staying over for an hour, and having to roll the silverware by myself.... then to top it off, on my walk home, two blocks away it started raining. Then I hit my leg on the bed once I got to my room and cut and bruised myself.  The next two days did not get any better.  If anything they got worse.  But by Saturday, I really started letting Christ live through me instead of trying to do it myself.  I just prayed through everything that came along and quoted some of the scripture we have been reading in Phillipians.

The Lord is definitely teaching me through my circumstances to rejoice in every circumstance and in the face of persecution.  To treat it like I am suffering for the Lord, and to count it a joy.  There are a couple of verses in particular I have had to focus on this week.  Phillipians 2:3-4, 14-15 which say, "do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others..... Do all things withough grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."  This week the Lord has really been revealing to me my selfish attitudes and pride, and also my lack of patience.  But he has steadily been giving me grace through my failures and really just teaching me to be a servant to others.  To give grace instead of snapping back, to rejoice instead of complaining, and to look to him for my self worth and value instead of looking for it in others.  I've definitely struggled with feeling alone and unpursued in friendships while here, even knowing it isn't true.  But I believe God is also using that to draw me closer to himself, reminding me he is always there, in the midst of everything.  It's really hard to put into words just all of the things I've been learning this week. But I definitely think this has been a week of growth.

Also backtracking a little bit to Tuesday of this week, me and my discipler Lindsay got to go to breakfast with a student named Brenda from the dominican republic.  She is so super sweet and funny.  We went to the pancake cabin and really just took some time to get to know her.  And by the end of our conversations we got to share the gospel with her!  It really was a good way to start off that day.  We are going to continue to meet with her and hopefully she will really begin to understand it.

Sorry again it took so long to post this.... it has been a wonderful and trying week all at the same time.  Love you all! I will try to write again soon!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Evangelism, Smokies, and Pancakes :)

Only three more days have went by but it feels like such a blur. so much is always happening, but i'm going to try to remember what has happened.

Friday(June 3?) was mostly a free day. Some people were at work and some haven't started yet, myself included so i'm pretty sure not a whole lot happened. I think mostly I just caught up on some sleep and relaxed for a bit before our project activities that night.  A few of us went walking the strip and just enjoyed the night. but around 9ish we all met up to go spread the word about our pancake dinner we were having.  We drove to or walked to places we knew international students were staying or just walked the streets inviting the internationals we saw.  We were really just praying God would send us to the right people, and that they would see fliers and come. My group didn't have too much luck. We went up to Ober Gatlinburg to some of the apartments to try to find people to invite but saw absolutely no one.... until we got in the car. So sam had to jump out of the car and go invite them.  Those poor girls probably thought we were crazy.  But we just prayed our efforts weren't wasted and actually the others groups had a lot more luck than we did.

Saturday was also kind of a lazy day.  I got to sleep in then I woke up and had some quiet time with the Lord, and since people were still at work, I decided to take a  book to the pool and chill in the sun, and cool off in the water.  It was nice to have an entire afternoon with just me and the Lord. (I got a bit of a sunburn though lol)  Saturday night was the smokies game and that was fun too.  Sadly the smokies were stomped, but it was still fun to watch the game and hang out with everyone on project.  Not to mention the fireworks, which were really good by the way.  A little pre- fourth of july excitement :)   and then hanging out afterwards til 1 or 2.  I'm pretty sure I haven't  been to bed earlier than 12 since I got here lol.  

So did I get up for 8:45 church sunday morning? nope! I got to go to the 11:30 am service.  That is definitely one good thing about bigger churches. The church I went to was alright.   A little weird.  I felt like it was very over commercialized.... I mean they were selling coffee in their lobby.  It just didn't feel really sincere to me.  And maybe that is an unfair accusation.  It could have been an off Sunday (they were updating on their pastor who is in another country right now on a missions trip). And they could all very well love the Lord and enjoy their services like that.  I'm just not sure its for me. So I'm not really sure if I will go back there or if I will try a different one next Sunday.  After church we had lunch and then when I got back to the condo I got to relax for about an hour before we had a worship team meeting.  And then band practice for the ones who would be  leading worship this Tuesday.  I'm really looking forward to that. I enjoy singing, and the girl I sing with, Bethanie, teaches voice lessons, so I'm getting lots of tips!  I think I may actually pay her for some lessons while I'm here.  Might as well bring back as much experience with me as I can!

And finally Sunday night was our big Pancake dinner for the international students.  We met up at 8 to have prayer and just to get ourselves focused and then we headed out to the place we were having it.  We got to use this cute little area of the methodist church that was a really cool place to hang out.  A few of us went out looking for people and knocking on doors of the places where we knew they lived to offer them rides so they wouldn't have to walk.  And we didn't have a bad turn out! It was really cool to just get to talk to some of them and hear their stories.  And amazing to be able to share the gospel with them.  It was just unspeakable to look around the room and be able to see people sharing the gospel with those students.  Such a good feeling.  I don't know or think anyone got saved last night, but they heard about Jesus and a seed was planted.  And that is a good start.  It's up to God to grow it, and will definitely keep pursuing after them.  We are going to have another social to invite them to again.  In the meantime we will be on the lookout for opportunities to share with people at work, or meet while just out and about.  I know we will start going out with soularium sometime soon but i'm not sure when yet.  

Then what did we do?  I figured we would all be tired and actually get to sleep at 12. did we? of  course not lol. We had a dance party until 2 am.  bahahaha!  such a good night.  God's work and dancing.  It was a pretty good day! But anyway, today doesn't hold too much.  Everyone is off today so it should just be a chill day with project stuff and getting to hang out with each other building our friendships. Oh and I start training for work tomorrow, so i'm a little bit nervous about that.  I don't think it will be to bad, I'm just not sure what to really expect.  Hopefully I won't make too many mistakes lol.  But I need to go clean my room before room checks, and then get ready for the day and project meetings. I will definitely let you know how my first day at work goes. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Heat, Hiking, and Black Bears

I believe this is day 4 of summer project and only the third full day here.  But i already feel like i have been here forever, and i'm losing track of the days.  Everyone I have met so far here is great and i fell like by the end of our time here we will be like family.  I already feel like I've known them  a lot longer than 4 days lol....
I also already feel like God has been teachingme a lot since I got here.  About just rejoicing in the hard seasons and being thankful in everything.  We are beginning to go through phillipians, a letter paul wrote to the church at phillipi.  When paul wrote this letter he was in prison, and the whole book is basically him thanking them for their gift in supporting him, and rejoicing in what God was doing.... in prison! and i think the things i'm going through is hard and I whine.  i believe God has grace for the pain I experience, but I believe he is teaching me to be content with where I am, and to find things to rejoice in while i'm in this season of life.  I also feel this desire to just want him more than other things.  i get distracted easily, and my motives for following God are often to please others and to gain acceptance from them.  So something i am praying about (and would definitely love for you to pray about) is just that God would increase my desire for him.  To let the distractions fade into the background and to serve him out of a love for him and in praise to him.

So now that the most important part of this blog for today is finished (my spiritual growth of course :) ) let me tell you about how its been living here.  First of all, this heat is absolutely ridiculous! Basically my hair has been up in a bun everyday, i have not even glanced in the direction of jeans or anything hotter than a tshirt, and i have been absolutely soaked down with sweat at the end of everyday.  Oh! I did get a job at Blaine's Grill as a server, it is a 25 minute walk there from my condo, and a 25 minute walk back. So I don't think exercise will  be a problem this summer.  Because in case you haven't noticed, Gatlinburg has a gazillion hills.... yay calf muscles!!!! lol So if I am not in better shape by the end of project, there is something seriously wrong with my body, and I will be taking myself to the doctor :)... just kidding of course.  But really.... lots of exercise.

Speaking of exercise, we went on a hike up the mountain yesterday! it was so beautiful.... but before we went we had a picnic at the bottom in this pavilion of the Smoky mountain national park. My car kind of got there a few minutes late after getting lost but it was a great drive. And the food was good too. However, in the middle of dinner we had a little bit of an interruption, by a Black Bear! yeah. he just walked up the campsite, so everyone like  ran to cars and the men tried to shoo him away by being loud and honking horns. but he just came up and basically tried to steal our dinner. he just wouldn't go away! lol so needless to say dinner was not finished. we just tried to throw everything away so it wouldn't stay there. Then we drove up the mountain and went on our hike. Like I said, it was absolutely beautiful, but all up hill. I was definitely gross by the time i got to the top but it was well worth it.  And there was much more time to appreciate the beauty of God's creation on the way back down.

So that is about all that has happened so far while i'm here. But it feels like a lot for 3 1/2 days. Just lots of walking the strip and hanging out together.  We are just beginning but i can't wait to see how the Lord works in all of our lives  this summer.  I am praying for lots of growth and that he would use us and I ask you to do the same!

Lots of Love,